Light Language Transmissions w/Maria

what is


Light Language is a vibrational experience that can be spoken, written, transmitted through binaural beats, danced, signed with the hands, or toned. 


Unlike traditional languages composed of agreed-upon symbols and sounds, Light Language transcends human limitations. It lacks a fixed alphabet and operates as a vibrational expression that communicates directly with our soul and DNA.


Experiencing Light Language is more about feeling than thinking. To fully benefit, it’s best to release mental blocks and allow the energy to flow. While you might receive insights or messages, it’s not necessary to consciously understand them to receive the transmission.

Light Language elevates our energy to frequencies higher than our usual state, enabling our brains to access the Gamma state—a heightened state of receptivity. In this state, various areas of the brain connect, enhancing memory recall, sensory perception, focus, processing speed, and creativity.

At a soul level, Light Language facilitates emotional and physical healing, awakens our innate wisdom, activates intuitive gifts and truths, and can support alignment with your purpose.


I use Light Language to facilitate healing, personal, global, and universal evolution. As a conduit for cosmic energy, I translate this energy into a form that brings it to Earth. By setting an intention—whether for personal growth, energy clearing, or global change —
I generate Light Language imbued with the specific vibration needed for that intention.



Cosmic Activation and New Information: Light Language can also introduce new information and cosmic activation codes that help us transcend the dense energies of Earth. While it’s essential to embrace the complexities of human life without bypassing them, connecting to a higher perspective aids in our continuous growth and evolution. It is possible in these types of transmissions that the information in the transmission will not be immediately known or understood, rather has been downloaded for it to be known and understood in perfect divine timing. 



Activating Light Language in Others: I commonly guided others in activating their own Light Language, opening up more fully to their intuitive gifts, and supporting those who are ready to open up to this transformative experience.


Maria’s radiant presence and powerful voice bring the loving, light-coded messages you need to hear. A lightworker in the truest sense. –Michael

“Maria offers a transmission of presence that is simultaneously uplifting and grounding, allowing her uniquely channelled light language to be received, fully integrated and grounded. Your cellular body and your soul understand and your life experience can only be blessed and expanded in the most miraculous and beautiful ways in receiving her transmission. While you may not cognitively understand, you will find yourself realizing and experiencing more peace, more of your own power, guidance and gifts and noticing more joy and lightness in the hours following a potent offering of grace from Maria. Any service that this exceptionally gifted being offers is highly recommended for your journey.” –Fiona 

“From my perspective, Maria is representing a very powerful and grounding light language. It felt to me instantly very home and gave me a sensation of being surrounded by a deep very deep source connection. 🙏 I could sense her energy field while she was transmitting her light language, and it felt very protective at the same time very powerful and transformative.” –Vanessa

“When I experience Maria’s light language right away I feel a home calling to my soul, I feel this soul remembrance it’s very shamanic as well. You’ve definitely helped upgrade my light language.”

“Maria is a beautiful channel of light language. She will enchant and delight you with her soulful spirit and resonant ancient wisdom. Close your eyes, connect hearts, and enjoy!” –Ann


“Maria’s Light Language is powerful with sounds that will truly awaken your soul! 💫 It’s always a joy and blessing to witness. Body and soul.” –Gwen

“From my perspective, Maria is representing a very powerful and grounding light language. It felt to me instantly very home and gave me a sensation of being surrounded by a deep very deep source connection. I could sense her energy field while she was transmitting her light language, and it felt very protective at the same time very powerful and transformative.” –Akasha

Schedule a Light Language Session